Frequently Asked Questions

- Q: Where can I see and fly an X-air LS?
- A: The X-Air LS is manufactured in Bend, OR and sales are handled factory-direct and through regional dealers. You can visit us in Oregon or you can see the aircraft at various regional and national fly-ins. It is our plan to have aircraft available for demo in various regions nationally as time goes by, particularly in flight school environments.
- Q: What does the base price include?
- A: The base price includes basic instrumentation, engine monitor and radio.
- Q: What options are available?
- A: Current options include the Garmin 495/496 with Air Gizmo doc, Garmin GTX 327 transponder, co-pilot brakes, inconel protected prop and nose wheel fairing.
- Q: Are the wings foldable?
- A: Yes, they are foldable. The horizontal stabilizers are first removed, rather simply. Then the wings are prepared. Remove the aileron crossover retaining clips and pins. Each attach pin of the wings are retained with a safety clip. Each safety clip is removed and marked for the appropriate location then, using the help of another person, the wing struts are removed and finally the wing spar attach pins are removed. With all the pins removed gently pull outboard on the wing until stopped by the mechanical stop then rotate the trailing edge down. Gently fold the wing back being careful not to puncture the wing skin on the wing root fairings. Once in this position attach the wing retention jig to the wing and fuselage.
- Q: What is the capacity of the fuel tank?
- A: The fuel tank has 15 US gallons useable out of a full tank of 15.5 US gallons.
- Q: What sort of range does that tank provide?
- A: Range is 300NM +/-.
- Q: How does the aircraft handle?
- A: The aircraft handling is very docile and has great stall characteristics. It has excellent short field performance with approach speed around 50mph.
- Q: What is the empty weight of the plane?
- A: 660 lbs. +/-
- Q: What is the gross weight?
- A: 1234 lbs.
- Q: What is the baggage capacity?
- A: 25 lbs.
- Q: What type of covering does the X-Air utilize?
- A: The X-Air utilizes a high grade marine sail cloth called OPAC which is manufactured in Germany by Dimension Polyant.
- Q: How long does the covering last with UV exposure?
- A: The X-Air covering material (OPAC) has a direct exposure life of 1000 hours or 10 years, whichever comes first. Additionally, the Maintenance Manual identifies inspection criteria for the covering to allow for continued use should it meet certain requirements, punch test, etc.
- Q: How then do I prevent extended exposure, particularly if I don’t have a hangar?
- A: There are three storage options to consider. Hangar, enclosed trailer or the use of wing and fuselage covers. The X-Air fits nicely into an enclosed trailer (minimum length 24 feet) but X-Air also provides a wing and fuselage cover kit at reasonable price.
- Q: Can the covering be repaired?
- A: Chapter 51 of the X-Air Maintenance Manual covers damage tolerances and acceptable repairs to the covering.
- Q: What can you tell me about the Jabiru engine?
- A: The Jabiru 2200 engine is a direct drive, air cooled 85hp engine. The TBO is 2000 hours with a recommended top overhaul at 1000 hours. A top overhaul will run about $3400 and a total overhaul around $6200.
- Q: What else is different or special about your engine installation?
- A: The oil cooling system utilizes an oil temperature regulator for optimum oil temps in varying climatic conditions. Additionally, the X-Air has a specially designed exhaust muffler that provides both cabin heat and carb heat.
- Q: What is the propeller made of?
- A: The DUC Swirl propeller is a “pressed” carbon uni construction that is precision manufactured.
- Q: What sort of erosion protection is available for the prop?
- A: The aircraft delivers with mylar abrasion tape installed; however, we do have an option for inconel leading edges for superior erosion resistance.
- Q: What method is used for the suspension of the main gear?
- A: The main gear use bungees for suspension while the nose gear uses a steel spring for suspension.
- Q: What is the warranty on the aircraft?
- A: 1 year or 200 hours, whichever comes first.
- Q: What is the warranty on the engine?
- A: 1 year or 200 hours, whichever comes first.
- Q: Does X-Air provide flight training?
- A: X-Air will provide factory training at the Bend, OR facility.